Confused to determine the number of invited guests? Check the following tips

When the wedding day arrives, of course, you want to share happiness with a wide audience on your happy day. Having lots of friends is indeed a fun thing, but in certain conditions having a lot of friends will make it difficult for you to decide the number of invited guests. You may experience feelings of worry, confusion or unpleasantness when you decide the number of invited guests at your wedding. Well, to anticipate this and make it easier for you to find the number of invited guests, here we give the tips:

Confused to determine the number of invited guests? Check the following tips

Budget the overall cost of marriage

The budget that you provide is certainly very influential on the number of invited guests who will attend. Yes, yes, when you provide large funds, the quantity will certainly be able to accommodate many people, the budget for catering and the capacity of the building will also adjust to the budget you make. so, be wise in determining the budget because this is the first step for you to add or cut the attendance of invited guests who will attend.

Determine based on the proximity relationship

The pleasure of having a lot of friends certainly makes us want to invite all the friends we have to attend the wedding that we hold. It's OK if you invite all friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or your path. But our suggestion is that later the list will not swell, try to decide the number of invited guests based on the closeness you have established. If you don't know too much, maybe prioritize the friends you already know and are close to.

Prioritize extended family first

Before you decide the number of invited guests, prioritize your nearest environment, the family that is actually the closest entity to the relationship that you have established. Inviting large families is also a means of establishing friendship and getting to know each other.

Eliminate the hesitation when not inviting friends

Usually, if you already know someone, your wish to invite him will be great. But what must be considered is that when you do not invite new friends or others, there is no need to bring feelings and assume others. Often when you cross your friend's list from the invitation, you immediately think 'moments' and so on. Can you imagine, if all the friends you know from kindergarten are currently invited, how many invited guests will be present?

Likewise, some review tips find the number of invited guests, hopefully, with these tips, you will not be confused and dizzy again. Hopefully